Greater Sacramento Atrium Participant Resources

(Click on a link below to access the resources listed)


Application Forms (Spring, Summer)

Pre-Enrollment Meeting RSVP (Required for families not enrolled in prior year)

Application For Enrollment (Submit online)

Signature Form (Print and mail, or scan and email)


Participation Documents (All year)

Participant Volunteer Sign-up Schedule

Participant Responsibilities

Dates to Remember

32 Characteristics of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Contribute online

Protocols (Primarily for catechist use)


Atrium Mass Resources (Fall, Winter, Spring)

Mass Guide


Psalm Chants


Catechesis Presentation Schedules (Fall, Winter, Spring)

Level 1: 3-6 year-olds

Level 2: 6-9 year-olds


Circle of Grace Safe Environment Program (Winter)

Parents' Resources

Lesson Materials


Summer Sacramental Series (Spring, Summer)

SSS Information Sheet

SSS Application / Commitment Form

Pastoral Permission To Receive First Reconciliation/Communion During SSS

Preparing Children for the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Preparing Children for the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist


"The first and last point of reference of this catechesis

will always be Jesus Christ Himself,

Who is “the way, and the truth, and the life."

Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1698


Parents, parish staff and others say they didn't understand CGS until they saw it in person. To schedule a visit, click here to contact us.


Participants in the Greater Sacramento Atrium can click here for documents.